For my co-Chlark lovers. I found this on the net and I thought it might be fun to share.:)
Dear Clark,
I wanna let you in on a secret. I’m not who you think I am. In fact, my disguise is so thin, I’m surprised you haven’t seen right through me.
I’m the girl of your dreams masquerading as your bestfriend. Sometimes I want to rip off this facade like I did at the Spring formal, but I can’t. Because you’ll get scared and you’ll run away again. So I decided it’s better to live with a lie than expose my true feelings.
My dad told me there are two types of girls—the ones you grow out of and the ones you grow into. I really hope I’m the latter. I may not be the one you love today, but I’ll let you go for now, hoping one day you’ll fly back to me, because I think you’re worth the wait.
heeey! I love this pairing... And chloe's letter is just so sweet...( that is what the hopeless romantic in me saying that... XD)
Me too :) Loved Smallville before..Addicted I should say
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