
Monday, August 29, 2011

Update on the What I want to do Blog - things I was able to manage to cross off my list

So, I wrote and reposted things that I wanted to be able to do before I ultimately get called by our Creator. Just last night, I reread my blog post and realized that as crazily insane (double ding!) as it may seems, there are things there that I can amazingly cross out. :)

So here are my stories.. :) 

10. Sing or speak in front of a big audience..and conquer my fear :) (Yikes)

So, just 2 months ago on my birthday, my friends and I went to Time Machine, a small bar in Dagupan to unwind and have some fun. Now, we knew that the bar was or is famous for letting the audience or the bar goers sing. We were teasing each other that we would go onstage but I know for a fact that no one had the guts amongst us to be able to do so.

After a few beers and after my so called friends gave a note for the band to greet me happy birthday, I suddenly found myself onstage, holding the mic and totally freaking out.

Okay, so forgive the fact that I looked terrified in this pic because I was. But at the end of the day, there's this amazing feeling of being able to conquer your fear. :) There's that certain smugness that envelops your mind and heart which makes you want to do it again.:) Sure, I probably made a mess in front of the crowd but who cares when I got the high fives from my very best friends? :)

21. See sunrise or sunset at the beach.

Before the rainy season started this year, my team and I were able to go to La Union. I know technically, I live by the sea side but before that trip this year, I haven't been to the beach in a really long time. (I guess this should have been See sunrise and sunset and appreciate it again). The fact is, I spend more time on the mountains than the beaches. And that the beaches in Dagupan remain to be famous for the insane people lurking there at night (so I've heard)

While harassing the microphone in the videoke in Villa Navarro, someone from our group announced that sunset was coming. Leaving the microphone and the Whitney Houston song blaring from the machine, we ran out to the sea madly so as not to miss the spectacle.

Let me tell you, I have completely forgotten how amazing God's creations were before I witnessed this miracle again. :) I have completely forgotten to appreciate God as an artist with the perfect blend of colors that blazed through the sky. The indigos, reds, greens, blues and pinks mixed together were truly a work of art - something that Picasso himself would not be able to reproduce. :) 

And so I vowed never to let small miracles pass by again. :)

12. Attend a ball or a dance again

When I wrote this, I was thinking more of a formal get up dance with cocktail dresses, make up and the works. However, I realized that I really didn't want to dress up and all that jazz. I guess the reason why I wrote this is that there's a certain feeling that you get dancing with someone that you love. I miss the 'teenagey' feeling of romance and I will unashamedly admit missing the kilig prom moments.

This is me and my sweetie dancing in a local bar here in Baguio. :) So I wasn't in high heels. I didn't even have make up on and I was wearing jeans. But his gaze made me felt like I was wearing that and more. :) So I consider this one done. :)

8. Skydive! Bungee jump!! Any extreme sport will do.

A few years ago, I did have the opportunity to do paint ball fight. Technically, I was looking for something more extreme than this (sadist me) but still, the thrill and the adrenaline rush made me realize 'puwede na' :)

So there you go. :) My crazy list and crazy me doing all these stunts. :) I will update you once I've done the other part of my lists. :) This is me enjoying life, living it to the fullest the best way I can. Because ultimately, the only thing that we have and that we can hold are moments. :) And I'm holding it - one moment at a time. :)

1 comment:

rbnstr08 said...

PaintBall - almost 8 years ago - tamaba 'ko?